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(a) Define descriptive research

(b) What are the 5 primary research methods in Marketing Research?

(c) Explain the factors that influence the marketing mix?

(d) What do you understand by consumer behaviour?

(e) State the difference between stratified and quota sampling?

(f) Define SWOT analysis?


State the difference between product concept, production concept and marketing concept?


Define primary and secondary data in marketing and explain the differences that exist between them?


What are the main ethical issues of marketing?


Identify and explain the various steps in the marketing research process


Explain the following marketing research concepts:
i) Exploratory research
ii) Descriptive research
iii) Causal research
iv) Secondary research
v) Primary research


Marketing information systems (MIS) have been an area of great difficulty and opportunity for the marketer, not just because it provides more complex and precise responses, but also because the training, analytical, and communication requirements are substantial

(a) In view of the above statement, discuss the need, characteristics, requirements and components of a modern Marketing information system (MIS) to ensure an effective marketing intelligence system

(b) Outline the steps a marketer can take to improve the quality of its marketing intelligence

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M9719045

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