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Question 1: Which one of the following choices is the combining form for bladder?

A. nephr/o

B. uret/o

C. cyst/o

D. urethr/o

Question 2: Which one of the following combining forms refers to an anatomical part only found in men?

A. hyster/o

B. dipl/o

C. crypt/o

D. balan/o

Question 3: A patient has been suffering from dyspnea. What position would be best for the patient?

A. Supine

B. Prone

C. Dorsal recumbent

D. Orthopneic

Question 4: The following is documented in a patient's medical record: "the pain is in the distal part of the humerus." Where is the patient's pain?

A. Away from the elbow

B. Closer to the elbow

C. Above the elbow

D. In the middle of the elbow

Question 5: The combining form mot/o refers to elements of which system?

A. Nervous

B. Skeletal

C. Integumentary

D. Cardiovascular

Question 6: Which one of the following combining forms means "pregnancy"?

A. somat/o

B. gest/o

C. andr/o

D. lact/o

Question 7: In the word analgesic, what is the word root?

A. an-

B. analges-

C. alges-

D. -ic

Question 8: Which one of the following terms refers to the area above the umbilical region?

A. Hypogastric

B. Epigastric

C. Hypochondrial

D. Inguinal

Question 9: Which one of the following word parts means "bile duct"?

A. cholangi-

B. edema-

C. cerebr-

D. aur-

Question 10: My/o represents

A. the word root for "muscle."

B. the word root for "bone."

C. the combining form for "muscle."

D. the combining form for "bone."

Question 11: Incorrectly spelled medical terms in a patient record could imply what in the medical office?

A. Poor education

B. Miscommunications between office workers

C. Poor patient care

D. Misunderstanding between patient and physician

Question 12: Which one of the following combining forms refers to "veins"?

A. optic/o

B. ot/o

C. phleb/o

D. cardi/o

Question 13: Which one of the following word roots means "kidney"?

A. nephr-

B. uret-

C. cyst-

D. urethr-

Question 14: The study of the structure of the body is known as

A. physiology.

B. pulmonology.

C. urology.

D. anatomy.

Question 15: Which one of the following word parts means "to control or stop"?

A. myc/o

B. stomy

C. trich

D. stasis

Question 16: What are the elements of medical terms?

A. Prefixes, suffixes, word roots, combining vowels

B. Prefixes and suffixes

C. Word roots

D. Word roots and combining forms

Question 17: If a patient describes a pain on his right side under his breast, you may document the location of the pain as





Question 18: When a physician is trying to determine what caused a disease, he or she will use which type of terms?

A. Diagnostic

B. Surgical

C. Digestive

D. Special

Question 19: The combining form oste/o refers to elements of which system?

A. Integumentary

B. Skeletal

C. Nervous

D. Cardiovascular

Question 20: Which one of the following choices contains the core meaning of the medical term?

A. Prefix

B. Suffix

C. Combining form

D. Word root

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  • Reference No.:- M92366377
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