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Question 1 : Which of the following do "ergonomics" most directly address?
Emotional wellbeing
Mental wellbeing
Physical wellbeing
Social wellbeing

Question 2 : ______ is the degree to which the job allows the incumbent to complete an identifiable work product and see clearly tangible or perceivable outcomes.
Task identity
Skill variety
Task significance

Question 3 : Coaching, mentoring, sharing skills and experience, and promoting a friendly work environment are all forms of ________________.
Work engagement
Positive attitudes
Organizational citizenship behaviors
Organizational commitment

Question 4 : ______ refers to a more explicit form of harassment where the harassing member of the organization may be requiring the harassed member to exchange sexual favors against his or her will.
Disparate treatment
Quid pro quo
Hostile work environment
Disparate impact

Question 5 : ______ is the broadening of the types of tasks and responsibilities performed on the job, with the purpose of creating interesting and less monotonous jobs.
Job rotation
Job enlargement
Job enrichment
Task significance

Question 6 : A good fit is necessary between the nature of the job and all of the following except:
Employee's interpersonal skills
Employee's ethnicity
Employee's personality
Employee's academic and technical knowledge

Question 7 : Which of the following is NOT an example of human capital?
Openness to experience

Question 8 : All the following are forms of compensation except:
Fixed working hours

Question 9 : The ______ contains Title VII which guarantees equal opportunity in employment, and prohibits discrimination based on gender, religion, race, national origin or color.
Equal Employment Opportunities Commission
Affirmative Action Law
Equal Employment Opportunity Act
Civil Rights Act

Question 10 : ______________ refers to the degree to which an organization is able to maximize the productivity of given resources, produce a given amount of output with minimal resources, or accomplish both.
Organizational management
Organizational yield
Organizational efficiency
Organizational effectiveness

Question 11 : What are the two main types of employment testing?
Aptitude and comprehension
Aptitude and achievement
Achievement and abilities
Achievement and knowledge and skills

Question 12 : ______ identifies characteristics of the job to be performed in terms of the tasks, duties and responsibilities to be fulfilled.
A job description
Job design
Job planning
A job specification

Question 13 : Which of the following is NOT one of the ways to measure HR strategic effectiveness?
Economic value added
Price effectiveness test
Return on investment
Balanced scorecards

Question 14 : ______ is the process of reducing the workforce through eliminating jobs, which cuts costs and improves efficiency.
Voluntary separation programs

Question 15 : ______ refers to the extent of resemblance between the personal core values and beliefs of individuals and the norms, rules, regulations and values of the organizations where they work.
Person-group fit
Person-environment fit
Person-organization fit
Person-job fit

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92366651
  • Price:- $15

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