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Question : Little Richard Laboratories (LRL) is a blood sample testing lab. LRL's testing process consists of four steps carried out by four technicians; Step 1 is carried out by Technician 1, Step 2 by Technician 2, Step 3 by Technician 3, and finally Step 4 by Technician 4. Little Richard hired you as a process consultant. After initial analysis, you find the following:

Step 1 takes 6 minutes on average, Step 2 takes exactly 3 minutes, Step 3 takes exactly 2 minutes, and Step 4 takes on average 5 minute.

Little Richard decides to cross-train Technicians 1 and 2. Now Technician1 can do not only Step 1 but also Step 2. Likewise, Technician 2 can do Steps 1 and 2. Also, Little Richard cross-trains Technicians 3 and 4. Now Technician 3 can do not only Step 3 but also Step 4. Technician 4 can do Steps 3 and 4 too.

It turns out Technicians1 and 2 hate each other and they don't want to cross-train each other. So Little Richard decides to cross-train Technicians 1 and 4. Now Technician1 can do not only Step 1 but also Step 4. Likewise, Technician 4 can do Steps 1 and 4.
Also, Little Richard cross-trains Technicians 2 and 3. Now Technician 2 can do not only Step 2 but also Step 3. Technician 3 can do Steps 2 and 3 too.

c) What is the capacity of Little Richard Laboratories?

d) What would be your recommendation on crossing training if you can pair up the technicians and cross-train them? What would be the capacity?

e) How would your answer in d) change if Little Richard cannot cross-train the pairs but has time and resource to ask one technician to mentor and train the other technician in each pair? What would be the capacity?

f) Suppose that there is enough demand, and Little Richard adopts your recommendation in e). How much time each technician would spend on each step per hour?

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92768809

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