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Q1. Gender segmentation is seen everywhere, including in the market for toys (see the Moonsand ads). However, more recently, many consumers started questioning this practice for certain products. For this discussion, let's focus on the now famous case of the Easy-Bake Oven.

Have a look at the issues raised and at some of the reactions following a petition for gender-neutral Easy-Bake ovens filed on (the Everyone Can Cook campaign). (As a result, Hasbro decided to introduce gender-neutral Easy-Bake ovens).

What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of developing and marketing products to only one gender? When is it appropriate and when should it be avoided?

Q2. Have a look at the collegiate edition launched by Keurig.

In your opinion, what is the target market for this product? (Refer to some of our typical segmentation variables such as demographics, psychographics, behaviors, values, and attitudes). What are the unique benefits offered by this product (if any)?

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92768679

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