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Q. What is Programmed instruction method?

Programmed instruction: this involves two essential elements: (a) a step by step series of knowledge, each building upon what has gone before, and (b) a mechanism for presenting the series and checking on the trainee's knowledge. Questions are asked to proper sequence and indication given promptly whether the answers are correct. This programme may be carried out with a book, a manual or a teaching machine. It is primarily used for teaching factual knowledge such as mathematics, Physics, etc.


a. Trainees learn from their own efforts and are free from the supervision of instructions.

b. The material to be learnt is broken down into parts or small units, which provides for easier and quick learning.

c. Feedback is available immediately.

d. Learners take an active part at each step in the programme.

e. Individual differences can be taken into account.

f. Training can be imparted at anytime and at any place.

g. High level of learner's motivation is possible.


a. The setting of the instruction is impersonal.

b. Further study is not possible until the preliminary information is acquired.

c. Only factual subjects can be programmed.

d. This method is of little use to in teaching philosophical or attitudinal concepts and motor skills.

e. Creating such programmes to is expensive.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9564520

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