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Q. What do you mean by Interpreter?

Interpreter: he may be needed when the work man is not familiar with the language of the enquiry officer. The enquiry officer should record preliminary statements pertaining to the date of holding the prospective witnesses do not know what the previous witness has said. Each witness should be first examined by the party which has called him (examination in chief) and then by opposite party (cross examination). The evidence may preferably be recorded by the enquiry officer in a narrative form.

Order of examination of witnesses: in the presence of the work man:

1. The management witnesses should be examined.

2. Then fair opportunity should be given to the work man and be made a part of the witnesses.

3. Documentary evidence should also be produced through witnesses and be made a part of the enquiry.

At the end of recording of evidence given by a witness, he should be asked to sign and then the enquiry officer should also sign the evidence.

After that the worker's witnesses including the worker should be examined. They can be cross examined, and the records should be signed.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9564254

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