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Q. Show training assessment methods?

Training assessment methods: the following methods are used to assess the training needs:

1 identifying specific problems: such problems are productivity high costs poor material control poor quality excessive scrap and waste excessive labour management troubles excessive grievances excessive violation of rules of conduct poor discipline high employee turnover and transfers excessive absenteeism accidents excessive fatigue fumbling discouragement struggling with the job standards of work performance not being met bottlenecks in production deadliness not being met and delayed production. Problems like these suggest that training may be necessary. For this the task and the workers should be closely observed and the difficulties found out.

2 anticipating impending and future problems: bearing on the expansion of business the introduction of new products new services new designs new plant new technology and of organizational changes concerned with manpower inventory for present and future needs.

3 management requests: the supervisors and managers may take specific request for setting training programmes. Though this method is simple and a correct evaluation of the employee's performance deficiencies can be made but often such recommendations may be built on faculty assumptions and requests may not coincide with each other or organizational goals.

4 interviewing and observing the personnel on the job: interviewing personnel and direct questioning and observation of the employee by his supervisors may also reveal training needs.

5 performance appraisal: an analysis of the past performance records of the perspective trainee and comparing his actual performance with the target performance may provide clues to specific interpersonal skills that may need development.

6 questionnaires: questionnaires may be used for eliciting opinions of the employees on topics like communication satisfaction job characteristics their attitude towards working conditions pay promotion policies etc. these will reveal much information about where an employee's skills and knowledge are deficient.

7 checklists: the use of checklist is a useful supplement to interviews and observations. Though it more reliable information can be obtained and the data got are quantifiable. This facilitates evaluating the training programme's effectiveness.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9564446

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