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Q. Show Indirect methods of requirements?

Indirect methods: Indirect methods involve mostly advertising in the newspaper, on the radio, in trade, technical and professional journals to go to the desired centres.

Advertisements: in recent times, this medium has become just as colourful, lively and imaginative as consumer advertising. The ads generally give a brief outline of the job responsibilities, compensations package, prospects in the organization, etc. This method is appropriate when

1. The organization intends to reach a large target group.

2. The organization wants a fairly good number of talented people who are geographically spread out.

3. To apply for the advertised vacancies there are vacancies there are wide variety of alternatives available to a company as far as ads are concerned.

a. Newspaper ads: here it's easy to place jobs ads without much of a lead time. It has flexibility in the terms of information and can conventionally target a specific geographic location.

b. Television and radio ads: these ads are more likely to reach individuals who are not activity seeking employment, they are more likely to stand out distinctly they help the organization to target the audience more selectively and they offer considerable scope of designing ads creatively.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9564342

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