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Students will gather information about a species and its problems, presenting it to instructor in the form of an educational brochure.

Learning Objective(s) Addressed by This Activity

  • Describe the ways humans cause biodiversity losses.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act and CITES in protecting endangered species.
  • Understand how gap analysis, ecosystem management, and captive breeding can contribute to preserving biological resources.
  • Propose ways we could protect endangered habitats and communities through large-scale, long-range, comprehensive planning.
  • Organize and synthesize information for sharing with others.


The poster should include colorful pictures, graphs along with text.

Brochure Guidelines

Brochure: The poster needs to include information about the species and its problems including:

1. Summary of the Problem

What is the nature of the problem associated with your species? Is it facing extinction? Is its habitat being destroyed? What is the issue of concern?

2. Ecological Description of the Organism

This part should include information about its habitat preferences, its ecological niche, its life history, ecological relationships with other species, and other such material that familiarizes the viewer with its basic biological and ecological nature.

3. History of the Problem

At what point did the problem begin? What causes triggered the onset of the problem? Has the situation become progressively worse or better? Why? What has led to the current situation?

4. Preferred Solutions

What solutions to the problem have been proposed? What solutions would you propose? What changes in the environment, in laws, etc., would have to take place to alleviate the problem? Have any solutions been put in motion? Are they working? What are the prospects for future success?

5. A Graph

Include a graph of some aspect of the species and its problems. You may have to create your own graph from the data you obtain.

6. Reference Citations

Include a complete citation of each reference you use in creating your brochure; you must have at least 2 references in APA format. 


Evaluation Criteria and Guidelines:


I. Introduction: Statement of the problem associated with species pick.

II. Ecological Description of the organism and history of the problem (use references).

III. Clear, concise statements of your position on the issue.

IV. Discussion of preferred solutions.

V.  Questions that have arisen as you researched the issues and information you need to understand the issue better.

VI. Concise summary statement restating the issue, your position, and the essential evidence that supports your position.

VII. Literature cited (APA)

Appropriate number (minimum of 2)

Appropriate type (not only opinions)

Proper format (title page, an introduction, body, conclusion and reference page)**title page & references are not included with total page requirements.

VIII. Overall important communication factors

Pictures and Graphs

Spelling and grammar


Clarity and consistency of focus

You can pick of these and comment which one you chose to do.

Suggested Species Problems

Minnesota related species

(you can pick ur own local list)

Deformed frogs

Purple Loosestrife

Zebra Mussels

Native Freshwater Mussels

White Pine

Eurasian Milfoil

Loggerhead shrike

Gray Wolf (Timber Wolf)

Prairie Chicken

Sharptail Grouse



Snow Goose

Canada Goose

Whooping Crane

Piping Plover

Bald Eagle

Gypsy Moth

Wild Turkey

White-tail Deer


Woodland Caribou

American Chestnut

Hawaiian Species

Hawaiian nene geese

California Species

California Condor

Indonesian (Sumatra) Species





Clouded Leopard

Marine Species

Harp Seal (the real story)

Beluga Whale in the St.

Lawrence Seaway

Florida Manatee

Right Whale

Gray Whale

Stellar Sea Lion

Green Turtle

Chinook Salmon

Sea Turtle Species

African Species (Kenya, Tanzania)

Nile Perch


Nile Crocodile

Hiola antelope

African Elephant


Bonobo (Pygmy chimp)


Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92390782
  • Price:- $30

Priced at Now at $30, Verified Solution

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