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Purpose of the Assignment 

This assignment focuses on defining leadership through qualities, self-awareness, styles, and attributes. The assignment also highlights the aspects of managing people, teams, and the organizational goals collectively. Managing people and team performance defines and provides aspects of how a manager learns to communicate and collaborate with diverse individuals through social networking, interaction, and influence while; motivating all to move toward organizational success.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Exploring Management: Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, and Ch. 14; University Library 

Develop a 1,050-word document by integrating your responses to include the Leader SWOTT Analysis.

  • Describe three motivational techniques that will keep the outcome and effects of others moving toward the organization's goals.
  • Explain how would you measure team performance.
  • Discuss which mode of communication and collaboration is most effective understanding team dynamics. 

Summarize your findings by using a SWOTT Analysis to illustrate the core competencies of a leader. 

Include the following in your SWOTT analysis: 

  • List and explain the core competencies of a leader.
  • Discuss the qualities that identify leadership and explain how these core competencies build leadership characteristics. 

Support your findings with four or more credible references.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92372739
  • Price:- $30

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