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Purpose of Assignment

Students will apply the course work to a real business issue and be able to think through the implications to the organization.

Organizations and individuals engaged in global trade must adapt to the opportunities and challenges created by doing business across borders.

Assignment Steps

Select a continent where your organization (walmart is the organization) (or a company for which you want to work) is currently operating or wishes to operate.

Outline how change can be managed for a company that has never done business outside of the U.S.

Create a 10- to 12-slide communication plan in Microsoft® PowerPoint®, with speaker notes. (this is a group assignment I only need about 6 slides)

Define the contribution of employee empowerment as a catalyst for change into a global organization.

Explain how you can motivate and manage change, taking into account the following concepts:

Change Management and the Basic Functions of Management

Adapting to workforce diversity, cultural and language differences, and foreign customs

Include at least four peer reviewed references.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92368503
  • Price:- $30

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