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Purpose of Assignment

I choose coca cola as my organization.

The purpose of this assignment is to give learners experience creating a training and development video for operations managers that addresses methods for two processes. Please refer to the resources below to assist with the assignment.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Human Resource Management: Supplemental Resources

Choose your own organization or one you know well to use for this assignment. Concentrate on processes in the organization that, if improved, would make the organization operate more efficiently. You may use the same organization you used Week 1.(Coca cola)

Use a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft PowerPoint to write a script you would use to create a 5- to 6-minute video.

Explain your training and development strategy for your chosen organization. Be creative.
- Prior to developing your video script, create a one-page survey to assess training needs.
Include the following in your script:
- Discuss the training needs assessment.
- Validate the need for chosen training methods.
- Evaluate your analysis of training and development needs.
- Explain ways to meet training needs.
- Discuss potential barriers to training.
- Anticipate budget for training for year one.
- Discuss how you will evaluate the training.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92363550
  • Price:- $30

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