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Purpose of Assignment

A well planned distribution channel system is a key component of the marketing mix that helps meet customer demands and achieve company goals.

This assignment will analyze the role channels of distribution have in meeting the needs of consumers in both a brick and mortar and online retail setting.

Assignment Steps

Scenario: You work for a newly formed sports apparel company and your manager has requested you help the company decide on the best distribution strategy to use for its products.

You have begun research on the strategies and methods available by reviewing relevant articles on the topic.

Based on your article review, you will decide what strategy(ies) is/are best and explain the reasoning behind your conclusion.

Select an article from the University Library that is less than five years old on the role of distribution channels in marketing.

Compose a 500-word article review covering the following:

Define what a distribution channel is and discuss why it is important to the marketing process.

Discuss the differences between direct and indirect distribution channels.

Introduce the article and its author(s) and give a brief summary of its core message(s).

Analyze the relationship distribution channels have to maintaining a satisfied target market.

Compare and contrast similarities and differences in distribution strategies for online versus brick and mortar businesses. Use examples from a company you admire or your own work life examples to illustrate your points.

Recommend distribution strategy(ies) for the company and what reasoning led you to conclude this was the best solution.

Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources with one being the article from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92361795
  • Price:- $40

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