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As mentioned in the unit introduction, writing is a core competency in psychology and an excellent medium for contributing to the field of psychology and continuing to advance within your future career path.

In this course, you will focus on practicing these skills in writing to help you develop this proficiency for your profession and your role as a graduate learner. For this discussion, share your findings from your exploration of APA style, writing models, and your own writing growth areas.

Be sure to discuss the main lessons you gained from Chapter 1, "Writing for the Behavioral and Social Sciences," from the APA Manual in this post. In addition, respond to the following questions:

What process and strategies do you typically use when you have to write something? For instance, do you start with an outline or jump right to drafting?

What helped you the most if you used Smarthinking? What were your strengths and weaknesses?

What strategies, resources, and support will you use to develop your competence in communicating in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations for members of the profession of psychology?

What support do you think you will need?

How do you envision using writing to further your future career path and contribute to the field?

If you have any trouble using Smarthinking, finding a writing model, or locating writing resources to support your development needs, use this discussion to receive support from your peers and instructor to work through your challenges.

Response Guidelines

Read the posts of your peers and respond to at least two. Try to choose posts that have had the fewest responses thus far.

Does your peers' selected model help your them apply the expectations set for writing in the field of psychology?

What did you learn from your Smarthinking experience that could help your peers further develop their writing proficiency?

What strategies might help your peers connect writing to their vision and goals for a future career?

What strategies or resources have you discovered in your own exploration that would help your peers reach their writing goals?

Be sure to provide substantive responses to help your peers build on their learning and reference any relevant assigned readings, additional resources, or professional literature to support your response.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92370825

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