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Proposal for a Treatment Plan at a Correctional Facility

The local correctional facility is planning to implement a new treatment program for substance abuse treatment.  You are hired to create a proposal providing a recommendation for the types of treatment modalities to be utilized in the facility.  Use your textbook, module notes, and at least two peer reviewed articles from the online library and/or publications from a government website on substance abuse treatment to develop the proposal.  Your paper should address the following:

  • A discussion of the variety of substance addictions needing to be addressed in the treatment program in a correctional system, and your analysis for whether you would propose separating the inmates in treatment based upon the type of substance they use.
  • A thorough comparison of individual treatment and group treatment, and your analysis for whether you would recommend individual treatment or group treatment, or both.
  • A description of the12 step program, and your analysis for whether you would propose this be a part of the treatment program.
  • A discussion of the role of the family and incorporating the family within the treatment process, and your analysis of whether you would recommend family therapy to be a part of the treatment program.

The text of your proposal should be at least 4 pages long. Remember to include a cover page and reference page, and to support your arguments with information drawn from the online content, and other credible, scholarly sources to substantiate the points you are making.  Apply APA standards for writing and citations to your work.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92183252
  • Price:- $20

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