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Project: "Layers of Me": My Humanitarian Professional Profile

It is a best practice to create a professional development plan as part of a professional journey.

Plans can be quite extensive, detailing everything you need to do in order to complete a degree and engage in the profession.

For this Assignment, you are expected to consider one element of a professional development plan which is reflective of your self-assessment.

What skills and abilities, characteristics do you possess that will make you an effective leader?

In addition, how do your cultural identity and personal values fit in your aspirations to engage in this type of work?

To prepare for this Assignment:

Complete the interactive media, "Layers of Me: Skills and Abilities."

Using a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest rating and 10 being the highest), assign yourself a score for each of the following questions:

How would you rate your leadership skills?

How would you rate your interpersonal skills (e.g., empathy, listening, sharing, caring)?

How would you rate your oral and written communication skills?

How would you rate your collaboration skills? (Do you work well with others? Are you a team player?)

How would you rate your stress-management skills?

How would you rate your level of perseverance?

How well do you respond to disappointment and frustration?

How would you rate your optimism?

How would you rate your negotiation skills?

After you have completed your self-assessment, review your blog posts throughout the course.

Combine your assessment information to create your own professional profile. This is only the start in developing this profile; however, it will give you a better understanding of who you are as a humanitarian professional, what you hope to do within this field of work, and how you will affect social change.

To complete the Assignment:

Create a 4 page paper assembling all the assessment data you gathered throughout the course. Summarize the data and describe yourself as a humanitarian professional.

Include the following:

The skills and characteristics you possess that will allow you to be effective in your role

An explanation of the role your cultural identity will play in your success as a humanitarian professional and your ability to demonstrate cultural competence

How your ethics and values will guide you in your future work

How your profile fits in with your professional goals

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92754307
  • Price:- $40

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