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Problem 1:

Explain conformance to requirements with respect to purchasing in ISO 9000. List out the steps followed in implementation of an ISO 9000 in compliance to purchasing processes.

A Conformance to requirements with respect to purchasing in ISO 9000.

Steps followed in implementation of an ISO 9000 in compliance to purchasing processes.

Problem 2:

Describe the ISO/QS 9000 clause on customer supplied products. Describe protection and maintenance of customer supplied products.

  • ISO/QS 9000 clause on customer supplied products
  • protection and maintenance of customer supplied products


Problem 3:

Describe the Product identification and traceability. Briefly describe the concept of product tracing with the example

  • Product identification and traceability
  • Concept of Product tracing
  • Example
  • Conclusion

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M9586466

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