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Prepare 10- to 12-slide presentation using a modality of your choice. Your boss request a presentation for new donors. You are to include the following: What is the mission and purpose of your organization?

  • Differentiate between private and government not-for-profit organizations.
  • What are the primary sources of funding for the organization? How are the revenues classified? Be sure to include dollar amounts.
  • What are the primary expenditures for the organization? In other words, how do the organizations get and spend their money.
  • What reports are required by FASB as far as reporting?
  • What issues have not-for-profits faced as far as reporting and what changes are being made in the new year?
  • What are the differences between reporting for governments and not-for-profit organizations?
  • How successful has your entity been in terms of meeting its mission and staying fiscally solvent?
  • What reports or information will show the donors if a not-for-profit entity is financially healthy?

The student should use four different sources. Each source should be cited in the text on the slides and there should be a reference slide at the end.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92366562
  • Price:- $25

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