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Post an article or website and summarize why it might provide further insight for each of the following posts:

Post I. "The organization I have chosen could be any that currently manufacturer generators, or any startup company. The idea is a new one that is not currently in production. Generators have been around for many years and always run off fossil fuels. Finding a way to remove the fossil fuel is the target.

The blue ocean idea is to create a magnet driven generator, after all, that is what blue ocean strategy is about. As Harrison (2018) mentions, "The blue ocean strategy is a business theory that suggests companies are better off searching for ways to gain uncontested market space than competing with similar companies." (para 2). Instead of using the standard engine that drives the generator to create electricity create a new method. Using magnets is one option. There are many forums and websites available to offer ideas and ways of doing this. Having the magnets facing opposite each other would create a push. Having one of those magnets on a wheel and one fixed would be a start. It is a matter of finding the correct amount of sets of magnets to create the correct speed. Generators themselves have advanced significantly over the years and do not have such a load on the engine anymore so that resistance should be much lower than prior years.

The R&D stage will be extensive. Finding what works and what is best will be very difficult. The type of magnets will also play a large role in this, along with the timing of magnets. This is a unique concept, but if it is perfected the world will change. Any area in the world could have power at a moment's notice. Homes could be off the grid, or supplying power back to the power company. Once perfected, this could even be adapted to work in automobiles so that charging would no longer be needed. The options are endless. Creating a green environmentally friendly world is the goal and this would be a huge step is getting there."

Post 2: "Blue Ocean Idea: When coal is burned, many contaminants, like sulfur and mercury, end up in the air (Coal mining, 2018). According to Grossman (2017), some coal companies are looking at capturing carbon dioxide and sending it below the Earth's surface, called carbon capture and storage (CCS), or they choose the other option, which is to simply store it to confine the pollution. Carbon capture and storage is not lean because it includes non-value-added activities, makes coal more expensive due to the company's cost that is passed on to consumers, and is cumbersome to retroactively fit the carbon capture and storage into existing facilities (Grossman, 2017). Eliminating or preventing the pollution created by coal energy production has not yet been accomplished. If Peabody Energy could find a way to eliminate or prevent the pollution, they would distinguish themselves from other energy companies and enter a new market to clean coal energy. The blue ocean strategy Peabody Energy could use to strategically reduce cost by eliminating CCS and moving toward elimination of pollution includes:

1. Reducing pollution well below the current industry's standard

2. Eliminating pollution caused by coal mining pollution that ends up in the air and below the Earth

3. Raising the standard in the industry of environmental responsibility

4. Creating clean coal energy, which has never been offered in the industry

Alignment to Strategy and Goals
Alignment with Peabody Energy strategy and goals would have an immediate impact in reducing costs. A report from the Global CSS Institute estimated that it could cost "$100 billion annually" to develop CCS -- this cost would be eliminated (Grossman, 2017, para. 10). Additionally, Peabody Energy's environmental policies would be strengthened. Detailed in a 2015 statement from Peabody Energy (2018), Peabody's President and Chief Executive Officer Glenn Kellow, chaired a National Coal Council report that outlined what was needed to propel progress for environmentally friendly technologies; this blue ocean idea would help move the company towards zero emissions from coal. This would enable the company to put technology in place for the long-term improvement in carbon emissions, while keeping electricity available and affordable. Promoting environmentally friendly methods will also set the company apart from their competitors and attract new customers, improve the sustainability of the company, and provide a greater chance of long-term success.

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  • Reference No.:- M92743487
  • Price:- $7

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