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Policy advocacy is one of the key roles of human services professionals. It differs from advocating for clients in that it looks to inform those who are responsible for policy formation, such as politicians and leaders of large-scale organizations. Whether at a national, regional, or state level, policy advocacy efforts will have broad implications for how and when human services are delivered. In today's world of diminished resources, policy advocacy can be the difference between being funded and not having the funds needed to help your clients. By engaging in opportunities with programs and organizations that receive federal or state funding, you may further support your advocacy effects and gain greater access to necessary resources.

Post a brief description of two different human services organizations. Explain how the organizations you selected are involved in policy advocacy. Then, from each organization's perspective, explain one benefit and one limitation of engaging in policy advocacy. Be specific and provide examples. For this Select and explore one human services organization from this week's media presentation and one organization from your own area of interest (Mental health counseling)

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92179738

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