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Outpatient Treatment vs. Inpatient Treatment: An Honest Comparison

Prepare a four to six page double spaced paper (this does not include title and reference pages). It needs to be well written, based on information from scholarly research, and should demonstrate a thorough analysis of the topicresponding to the following items:

Use the online library, Internet, required reading, and other resources to research and develop a comprehensive appreciation of the inpatient setting. References should be no more than 5 years old. Web sites are only acceptable when accessing a government site.

Based on your findings, submit a graduate level scholarly paper that clearly addresses the following:

  1. Identify and describe an inpatient setting (e.g., acute inpatient units, inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing, etc.) or an outpatient setting to include the services provided, key personnel within the department, and how this department supports or is supported by other departments.
  2. Identify and describe at least one trend that will have an impact on the setting you selected. These can be trends related to supply and demand, political climate, regulatory, demographic changes, or patient care.
  3. Evaluate the impact of these trends on the inpatient and outpatient settings. Regarding the inpatient and outpatient setting you have chosen, be factual and current. Comment also how this trend can be evaluated for success.
  4. Analyze the trends, and thinking as a healthcare administrator, how do you capitalize on these trends to improve operation and bottom line performance? How can you mitigate the negative impact of the trends?

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92390835
  • Price:- $20

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