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  1. The mean length of six-year-old rainbow trout in the Arolik River in Alaska is 481 millimeters with a standard deviation of 41 millimeters. Assume these lengths are normally distributed. What proportion of six-year-old rainbow trout are less than 497 millimeters long?
  2. At a local college, the probability that there are no parking place available for an 11:00 am class is 0.52. What is the probability that there is at least one parking place available for the 11:00 am class?
  3. Suppose that the weight of a male babies less than 2 months old is normally distributed with mean 11.5 pounds and standard deviation 2.7 pounds. What proportionof babies weigh between 11.18 pounds and 14.41 pounds?
  4. Suppose that diastolic blood pressures of adult women in the United States are approximately normally distributed with mean 80.5 and standard deviation 9.9. What proportion of women have blood pressure greater than 67.2?

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92367088
  • Price:- $20

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