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Please respond to this discussion question in a 3 to 7 sentence paragraph please include reference. How does a health care organization implement a strategic plan? What guidelines should be followed? There are certain elements that must be present for a health care organization to successfully implement a strategic plan. Executive leadership support must be present, and the plan must be shared throughout the organization. Implementation of a strategic plan is time-consuming and complex: it is, therefore, important to divide assignments with other team members. Priorities must be set, and key leaders must be identified to take ownership of the assigned tasks. It is also important to have a system in place to measure the progress that has been completed. Most importantly, the organization must acknowledge the contributions of team players through recognition of their accomplishments. Developing a strategic plan using the different methodologies only serves as a guide to where the health care organization is going, but it is the implementation of such a plan that allows them to get there.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92367887
  • Price:- $25

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