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Please read Case Study 1 and write a paper to address ALL of the following discussion points:

Question:1 Do your own research, define cloud computing and its use in American public education system.

Question: 2 List and comment on some of the uses of cloud solutions at New York State Education Department. Explain the aim of using cloud solutions in those use case.

Question: 3 Describe and analyze the problems encountered by the New York State Education Department when implementing the cloud solution to centralize students' personally identifiable information (PII).

Question: 4 Identify the lesson learned from this case study for the educational institution and the cloud computing industry.

Question:5 Provide TWO suggestions based on your own research, experience and understanding to address some of the challenges/issues related to the adoption of cloud solutions in education.

CHEPTER: The Internet and Client/Server, Intranet & Cloud Computing


Please read Case Study 1 and write a paper to address ALL of the following discussion points:

1. Do your own research, define cloud computing and its use in American public education system.

2. List and comment on some of the uses of cloud solutions at New York State Education Department. Explain the aim of using cloud solutions in those use cases.

3. Describe and analyze the problems encountered by the New York State Education Department when implementing the cloud solution to centralize students' personally identifiable information (PII).

4. Identify the lesson learned from this case study for the educational institution and the cloud computing industry.

5. Provide TWO suggestions based on your own research, experience and understanding to address some of the challenges/issues related to the adoption of cloud solutions in education.

Format your paper

1. Be sure to reference all resources cited

2. Use APA formatting

3. State the discussion point (1-5) clearly in your answer.

Do not plagiarize

1. This assignment is monitored by Turnitin, a software to check of a work is similar to internet resources and other students' works.

2. You can view Turnitin report a while after submitting your paper. If the similarity index is too high, consider rewrite your paper.

The best is you write in your own words because we want to understand your own view.

3. All plagiarism cases will be penalized heavily without any excuse.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92383456
  • Price:- $20

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