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Please provide me with some directions as where to go with this class assignment. I am totally clueless as what questions should or should not be asked from the prosecutor's perspective. Our class is split with half prosecuting and the other half as defense attorneys. As the prosecutor what types questions should I ask, and what jurors should I be selecting. Confused, Confused. Please help, this my third request, if you can't answer where can I seek advice.

Two men in Philadelphia are still on the run after driving a stolen SUV into a family selling fruit for their church, killing three young children.
The AP reports that the men carjacked a women at gunpoint and forced her into the back seat of her Toyota 4Runner. They spun out of control only a mile away, crashing into a family selling fruit at a stand on a street corner.

Philadelphia Homicide Captain John Clark confirmed that the slain children were 7, 10, and 15 years old. Police commissioner Charles Ramsey issued a statement, saying:

"There are no words to describe how I feel right now, but we do need to find these two guys."

Fox reports that the 34-year-old mother of the children is in critical condition, as is the 45-year-old carjacking victim.

As police continue their search, over $100,000 in rewards are being offered for the capture of the two men.

As a prosecutor:

In jury selection who would be the ideal juror to help my case as an prosecutor.

What would be my opening statement and evidence that two defendants are guilty?

What question would I ask the witness and why.

What question would I ask during cross-examination?

What would be closing arguments?

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  • Reference No.:- M92423735
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