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Please have fully formatted outlines for the following essays.

1. Illustrate how you would analyze at least three problems and formulate solutions in health care using strategic management principles. 

2. Evaluate the external and internal issues of at one health care organization from all four perspectives (4Ps as covered in class). (Product: the physical features of a product or the intangible aspects of a service, Price: the amount paid for the product, Promotion: the methods of communication used to inform customers and potential customers, Place: the point of access for the consumer).

3. Evaluate at least three fundamental principles of strategic management.

4. Explain the strategic management portfolio process of assembling information from a variety of sources to create a strategic management plan. 

5. Apply strategic management concepts and critique strategic alternatives during planning activities for a health care organization for the following case study.

I am the proud owner of a Personal Health Record company and I plan to provide this service to consumers so that they may access their medical record at all times and also have the ability to self-enter data and share their data with their different providers. 

6. Please articulate and assess at least three environmental issues or trends impacting health care.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92386481
  • Price:- $30

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