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Performances try out: under this, the trainee is asked to go through the job several times slowly, explaining him in each step. Mistakes are corrected, and if necessary some complicated steps are done for the trainee the first time. Then the trainee is asked to do the job, gradually building up skill and speed. As soon as the trainee demonstrates that he can do the job in a right way, he is put on his own, but not abandoned. The trainee is than tested and the effectiveness of a training programme evaluated. This is usually done by:

1. Giving written or oral testes to trainees to ascertain how far they have learnt the techniques and principals taught to them and the scores obtained by them

2. Observing trainees on the job itself and administrating performance tests to them

3. Finding out individuals or a group reaction to the training programme while it is the progress and getting them to fill up evaluation sheets.

4. Arranging structured interviews with the participants or sending them by the mail

5. Eliciting the opinion or judgement of the top management about the trainees performance

6. Comparing the results obtained or judgement of the top management about the trainees with those secured because the training programme in order to find out whether any material change his taken place in the attitude, opinion, in the quality of the output, in the reduction in scrap, brake age and the supplies used and in overhead costs.

7. Study of the profits and charts of career development of the participants and related assignment techniques. Through one or a combination of these devices, the validity of training programmes may be ascertained. If there are any errors or weaknesses, they should be corrected and instruction repeated, if necessary, till the trainer knows that the trainee has learnt whatever has been imparted to him.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9564439

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