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  • Write an essay discussing the following:
  • The role of the Joint Commission in accrediting medical facilities
  • Which facilities can be accredited?
  • What are the goals of the Commission?
  • How do existing Joint Commission guidelines impact facilities that are not accredited by the Commission?
  • What does it mean to a facility to be accredited by the Joint Commission?
  • Is it mandatory for organizations to be accredited by the Joint Commission? If not, what impact does not having such accreditation mean in terms of reimbursement?

Part II

  • Create a memorandum where:
  • You are the administrator of the health information department for a medium-sized facility. You have just been informed by the compliance officer that the Joint Commission will be visiting your facility and will be focusing on your department.
  • Begin the memorandum by including information you believe will be important for your personnel to know to prepare for the visit.
  • Then, anticipate possible questions that the Commission might have for you in terms of compliance.
  • How will you and your department respond to these questions? How will you manage any negative findings during the visit?
  • Finally, discuss how current noncompliance findings can be avoided in the future in this memorandum.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92392681
  • Price:- $20

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