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Part One

Multiple Choices:

1. It is a concept where goods are produced without taking into consideration the choices or tastes of customers.

  • Marketing mix
  • Production concept
  • Marketing concept
  • Relationship marketing

2. It involves individuals who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale.

  • Environment analysis
  • Macro environment
  • Micro environment
  • Consumer

3. It is the groups of people who interact formally or informally influencing each other?s attitudes& behavior.

  • Consumer behavior
  • Culture
  • Reference groups
  • Primary groups

4. The concept of the product that passes through various changes in its total life known as:

  • Product life cycle
  • Line stretching
  • Consumer adoption
  • Product

5. It refers to unique set of brand associations that brand strategist aspires to create or maintain:

  • Branding
  • Packaging
  • Brand identity
  • Brand image

6. It involves a pricing strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or service.

  • Promotional pricing
  • Price discrimination
  • Non price competition
  • None of the above

7. It refers to an arrangement where another company through its own marketing channel sells the products of one producers.

  • End customer
  • Wholesaler
  • Retailing
  • Strategic channel alliance

8. It involves facility consisting of the means & equipments necessary for the movement of passengers of goods.

  • Logistics
  • Warehousing
  • Transportation
  • None of the above

9. The advertising which is used to inform consumers about a new product or feature & to build primary demands is known as:

  • Advertising
  • Informative advertising
  • Persuasive advertising
  • Advertising strategy

10. An art that predicts the likelihood of economic activity on the basis of certain assumptions:

  • Compensation
  • Sales forecasting
  • Sales budgeting
  • Selling policy

Part Two:

1. Define Marketing Mix.
2. Discuss the concept of Benchmarking.
3. Write a short note on Target Marketing.
4. What do you understand by Pricing Strategy?

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M9717118

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