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Paper Assignment

The Journal Article Review must be divided into the following sections:


• What is the specific health care policy issue or problem you will be addressing and why?


• Using scholarly journals research your problem/issue and (1) discuss the history and/or background of the issue; (2) What are the various solutions and/or approaches to solving the problem and (3) name specific groups that support or do not support the various approaches. Number each section of your paper to reflect the above discussion.


• What conclusions can you draw from your research as they relate to your health care delivery issue or problem? Support this discussion with references from readings and information gathered in section above.

• What is the specific health care policy issue or problem you will be addressing and why?


• Using scholarly journals research your problem/issue and (1) discuss the history and/or background of the issue; (2) What are the various solutions and/or approaches to solving the problem and (3) name specific groups that support or do not support the various approaches. Number each section of your paper to reflect the above discussion.


• What conclusions can you draw from your research as they relate to your health care delivery issue or problem? Support this discussion with references from readings and information gathered in section above.

Outline for Paper (Sections that are required to be in your paper). You must label each section accordingly.

I. Introduction

• What is the topic?

• Why you have chosen this topic?

II. Discussion

• Unbiased background information to understand topic

• Multiple positions/arguments;

• Supporting documentation used by each side to support augment. You should not include your personal opinion regarding the topic you pick to discuss.

III. Conclusion

Ramification to patients, providers, payers (insurance companies, government agencies, if applicable) of positions/arguments.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92376404
  • Price:- $45

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