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Paper Assignment

During this course you have read, researched, and discussed with your peers several different topics on technology and society. Now it's time to think of at least one technologytopic that has had some type of an impact on your life. Was this a positive or negative impact? Was it before the class or during the class?

I would like for you to explain the impact of this technology topic, the reasoning, and do a comparison to the ideas of both the authors writing about the topic and your classmate responses if it happened to be a weekly discussion topic (discussion boards will be opened for you to go back and read).If it was never discussed, then give us several outside research comparisons to compare the objective technology topic. All papers should have at least two outside research articles to add into this topic paper.

Write this personal reflection topic paper with a cover page with title and name,2-page contentminimum (double spaced, Times New Roman 11pt., with the last page listingall research resources,including the course book (use MLA or APA format). The minimum this final paper should be is four total pages. Your paper may be longer is you need extra length for the content.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92390913
  • Price:- $35

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