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Organizational Growth and Expansion

Assess organizational growth and expansion in a minimum of 1,400 words in which you discuss the following:

• Consider what resources are available for organizational growth and expansion.
• Assess what skills and knowledge are needed to access these resources.
• Evaluate how you would use your leadership abilities to advance your company as an intrapreneur.
• Assess how you would use your access to resources to advance your company as a social entrepreneur. Discuss both tangible and intangible resources.

Cite a minimum of 2 peer reviewed reference from the University of Phoenix Library.

Format consistent with APA guidelines.

Individual Assignment: Organizational Growth and Expansion

Purpose of Assignment

There's a common understanding in business: if an organization is not growing, then it's dying. Knowing how to grow and sustain an organization is a valuable skill for entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and social entrepreneurs. Leaders within the organization must know where to get the needed resources and also understand how to access these resources in a timely manner to advance the company's objectives. This assignment requires students to showcase their understanding of the process involved in organizational growth and expansion.

Resources Required

Refer to Ch.13 of Entrepreneurship, 3rd edition. Special attention should be given to pages 517 - 523 of the text. Students will also provide peer reviewed reference from the University of Phoenix Library.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92184720
  • Price:- $40

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