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Need help : Case study located- Four Members of International Computer Hacking Ring Indicted for Stealing Gaming Technology, Apache Helicopter Training Software

Milestone Three is an analysis of international agencies and laws involved in the case. Summarize the location and role of each international law enforcement agency involved in the case. Address the following questions in bullet point format.

1. Identify the laws regarding case-specific violations in the country where the person of interest was or is currently residing. How did these laws aid in the investigation or apprehension of the criminal?

2. Were there any political factors that influenced the facilitation of the crime? Provide a brief explanation.

3. Determine the ability level of the law enforcement agency to effectively mitigate these types of crimes. Provide evidence to support your claim.

4. How did each law enforcement organization aid in the investigation? What were their limitations?

5. Was U.S. law facilitated in all agencies related to this case?

6. Does the United States reciprocate their laws? Use examples to illustrate the extent of reciprocity.

7. Was there a cooperative relationship between the United States and international law enforcement agencies, and is this cooperation still ongoing? 8. How did the United States cooperate with the international organizations in this case?

In general, explain how the United States aids foreign organizations in apprehending and enforcing justice. Use examples to demonstrate the United States' cooperation. Why is it necessary to coordinate and cooperate with international agencies?

Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:

International Agencies and Law For the following, review the elements of the case regarding the agencies that were involved in the investigation.

1. Analyze the laws regarding the case-specific violations in the country where the person of interest was or is currently residing. How did these laws aid in the investigation or apprehension of the criminal?

2. Analyze the political factors that played a role in facilitating or mitigating the crime. Did the law enforcement agencies involved enforce the regulations or legislation that the United States has regarding these crimes?

3. Determine the ability level of the law enforcement agency to effectively mitigate these types of crimes. What evidence do you have to support your claims?

4. Which international law enforcement organizations assisted in this investigation? How did the organization aid in the investigation, and what were the limitations to their support?

5. Illustrate the extent of reciprocity between related law enforcement agencies. 1. Was U.S. law facilitated in all agencies related to this case? 2. Does the United States reciprocate their laws? 3. Was there a cooperative relationship between the United States and international law enforcement agencies, and is this cooperation still ongoing?

6. Explain how the United States cooperates with these organizations. What does the United States do to aid in apprehending and enforcing justice for foreign organizations?

7. Why is it necessary to coordinate and cooperate with these agencies?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92399481
  • Price:- $10

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