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Need a powerpoint presentation for an article.

Powerpoint must be able to to be presented in 15 minutes.

Must Include Speaker Notes

Presentation needs to start off with briefly summarizing the article in the power point

Apple Watch 2 review: There's finally a reason to buy a smartwatch

Discuss advertisement concepts regarding the article that are reflected by real-world examples found in business/advertising/PR publications, printed or online.

In a slide in the speaker notes need to explain the connection to why this article was chosen for my advertising, public relations and society class.

The majority of the presentation must explain in the speaker notes an analysis of the article which needs to also be explained as well with advertisement concepts.

Include 2 iWatch advertisement commercials off of youtube and put the links in the power point presentation. (Make sure they are sourced at the end).

Also Include the 4 P's of marketing to analyze the article as well.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92361865

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