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 Discussion Questions: Capacity

1. What are some major capacity issues in a hospital? How do they differ from those of a factory?

2. Explain how having more Work-in-Process inventory can improve the efficiency of a process. How can this be bad?

3. You have timed Joe Smith assembling widgets. Over two cycles, he averaged 12 minutes. He is one of your best workers and you believe none of the other nine workers could beat his time. Would you make his time the standard for making 5,000 widgets? If not, what else should you do?

4.Why would managers be skeptical about Job Enrichment and socio-technical approaches to job design?
Length and Citation (Initial Discussion Post)

Assignment should be a minimum of 3-4 paragraphs; Times New Roman; 12 point. Remember to use appropriate citation of the textbook, if applicable. Be sure to add one question at the end of the post to push the conversation out further.

please answer each question numerically

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M91187234
  • Price:- $40

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