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My personal definition of a policy is, “A plan of action, adopted in advance, to guide future thinking and actions.” My point is that a policy is a statement which directs organizational employees in terms of how they are to deal with people and situations within and without the organization. Written policies provide direction and consistency in these areas. You may use this definition as a guide when completing this assignment.


Make up a hypothetical company, or use one that you are familiar with. Work out the specifics of your company, including:

What is the business?

What do you do, make, or service?

Where is it located?

How many employees does it have?

How long has it been in business?

What is its rough market share (what percentage of the revenue of the entire industry does it make)?

Who are your major competitors?


Use the Policy Template at the bottom of this module to write ONE policy for your company that shows your commitment to working mothers and fathers. Answering the following questions should help: How would you like your company to be flexible and accommodating to families? How can you be innovative with hours, responsibilities, sharing, or expectations? It is helpful to think of your company’s overall commitment to employees’ and their family needs.

Considerations for your policy:

Start with an overall statement about your company’s commitment to families

Be clear about the purpose and scope of the policy: what does it cover, what does it not cover?

Include statements about flexible work hours, telecommuting, and or other ways the company can help parent workers balance work and family life.

Picture the policy being put into place practically: what do you need to be very explicit about?

Determine how can you avoid confusion and vague language.  

You may research and use these examples of family-friendly policies if you need some help to get started.

Job share policy

Flexible hour policy

Compressed work week policy

Seasonal schedule policy

Telecommuting policy

Policy and procedure for childcare on site

Well-written workplace policies:

Are consistent with the values of the organization

Comply with employment and other associated legislation

Demonstrate that the organization is being operated in an efficient and businesslike manner

Ensure uniformity and consistency in decision-making and operational procedures

Add strength to the position of staff when possible legal actions arise

Foster stability and continuity

Maintain the direction of the organization even during periods of change

Provide the framework for business planning

Assist in assessing performance and establishing accountability

Clarify functions and responsibilities.

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92558406

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