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Ms. Sanders is 72-year-old woman who has recently experienced a decline in health status. Her son Simon, who abuses prescription medications, has recently moved in with her because he cannot afford to live alone. Simon has assumed a caregiving role, but Ms. Sanders senses that he resents caring for her. She has become somewhat fearful of her own son and is seeking information concerning her fears.

For the Module 4 Case Assignment, your task is to to address the following:

  1. Why is Ms. Sanders vulnerable to elder abuse? Are there certain characteristics of elders who are at risk of being abused?
  2. Should she be aware of certain characteristics of abusers?
  3. Is there more than one type of elder abuse? Please explain.
  4. What can she do if she fears Simon is becoming abusive?

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92372823
  • Price:- $20

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