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Ms. G present with a bacterial infection, pain swelling redness from the ankle to the knee that is consistent with cellulitis, open wound with infectious drainage, and elevated temp. She hasn't been out of bed for 3 days and probably has poor circulation and fatigue. Ms. G is diabetic and is overweight with a BMI over 30. Elevated WBC's which is a sign of infection.

Treatment recommendation would be Antibiotics for the infection, NSAIDS for the pain and fever, compression stocking for the swelling, dietitian for adequate nutrition, and wound care for the open wound. Ms. G could also benefit from weekly home health visits to ensure proper management is being followed.

The Muscle group that is affected is the tibialis anterior-proximal of the lateral surface of the tibia, interosseous membrane, deep fascia and lateral- muscular septum, and extensor digitorum longus.

Data provided that Ms. G has an infection. WBC's are elevated, she has a temp, and labs are abnormal. Follow up labs/ diagnostic would be doppler to rule out DVT, and Hgb A1c q. 3 months to determine is she is following the proper diet and exercise treatment for diabetes. Ms. G needs education on weight management, diet, and the significance of diabetes.

Diabetes, poor circulation, infection, poor nutrition and obesity all aid in delayed wound healing. Raised blood sugar levels reduces the function of red blood cells that carry nutrients to the tissue which in turns lowers the ability of the white blood cells to fight infection. Without sufficient nutrients and oxygen, a wound heals slowly.

Protein supplements such as Prostat AWC, zinc, multivitamin with minerals all help with wound healing. Daily wound care and weekly measurements to track the wound healing process is also needs.

ARC: Anatomy Resource Center. (n.d.). Explore the human body.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Living with Diabetes:

Wound Care Centers: How diabetes affects wound healing.

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  • Reference No.:- M92407893
  • Price:- $10

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