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Motors and More, Inc. (fictitious)

Students will need to draw on their experience and conduct research beyond their text.

Case Overview

You are hired as the HR Director for Motors and More, Inc. (fictitious) which manufactures small motors and accessories for industrial and home products.  Therefore, they are in business-to-business sales. The industry is highly competitive and the company follows a prospector strategy. According to Gomez-Mejia, Galkin, and Cardy, (2001), a prospector's objective is to take advantage of new markets and products.  They emphasize growth, innovation, and the development of new products. They want to be first to market. To respond to their competitive and rapidly changing markets, prospectors have flexible, flat, and more decentralized organizational structures. This requires the company to respond quickly to market changes. Motors and More is located in a small town of 28,000 people with a current unemployment rate of 3.1%. As it relates to employment, demand exceeds supply. In essence, all traditional types of employees that want to work are working. Within the surrounding area (50 mile radius) there is a technical school and a community college. The owner and President, having an exemplar military record and is very patriotic, is committed to keeping the organization local. Several other local companies have experienced recent labor organizing activities. Motors and More is beginning to experience higher than normal turnover. The racial demographic makeup of Motors and More is 88% white, while the local labor market population is approximately 48% minority.  Promotions to management have been based on seniority/tenure.  There is a growing Hispanic population and a large Kurdish group that has not been accepted into the community. The President and four managers are white males. The only female supervisor works in the customer service department. All other management positions are filled by white males. Motors and More currently employs 116 employees, not including HR.  Due to increased product demand, output needs to be increased by 96%.  Marketing and Sales continues to sell products to an expanding market. All of the employees in manufacturing (including quality control), customer service, and operations (responsible for shipping and receiving - distribution, including raw materials, components parts and finished goods inventory; and maintenance and cleaning) have a minimum of a high school education or GED. Some skills training courses are provided by the company. Refer to the organizational chart (Figure 1) for more details.

Requirement - Develop a HRD plan 

  • 1500-2000 words minimum
  • Use assumptions to fill in holes
  • No first person
  • MUST have citations APA Style

A. Develop a human resource development (HRD) plan. Motors and More does not have a formal training program.  Given their current situation and the fact that promotions were due to seniority, your plan should address the needs of:

1. New employees 

2. Current employees (for current and future jobs according to any career path)

3. Management group (supervisors and managers)

B. Address the following in your training design process in your paper:

1. Needs assessment: How will you conduct a needs assessment (method and instruments)?

2. How will the training content be developed or secured?'

3. How will the training be delivered (classroom, intra-net, blended, self-study, etc) and by whom (internal, external)? What is your rationale for your decision? Explain your criteria for making your decisions.

4. How (process and instruments) will you evaluate the effectiveness of your program at all four levels?

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92019114

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