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Motivation is much more complicated than simply meting out rewards or punishments. For employees to do their best, they need to feel they are a part of something greater than themselves. The Pink text explores what the author has termed Motivation 2.0, which focuses on the extrinsic or intrinsic nature of rewards. Consider motivational experiences you've had in the past. Do you think they may have been increased or reduced by Motivation 2.0? As you review the resources this week, continue your research, and prepare a Discussion posting, contemplate the following:

  • What is the least motivational experience you've been in? What is the most?
  • What techniques work best to motivate you? What type of individuals might not respond to these techniques? What have you seen work for others that might not work for you?
  • What are the sources of job satisfaction for you?

Prepare a cohesive and scholarly response based on this week's content and your own research that addresses the following:

  • On page 154 of "Drive," the author suggests that you ask a 'big question' about what motivates you in your life. What are things that truly motivate you? How would you phrase your sentence?
  • Using the "Personal Motivation Template and Instructions", prepare a personal Motivation Poster that highlights the relationship between job satisfaction and motivation and share it with the class.
  • As a manager, how can you discover what creates job satisfaction and motivation in your employees?

Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week's resources and any additional sources.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92385037
  • Price:- $30

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