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Case Assignment

Complete the Module 1 SLP before you start the Case Assignment.

The Case in this course is an experiential Case that is integrated through the entire course. You will be engaging in a cultural activity with a new cultural group and in so doing, will be integrating the self-awareness you gain from the SLP assessments, the general cultural knowledge from the background materials, and the specific cultural knowledge from the experiential exercise. The result is a new set of skills and development of CQ through cognitive, behavioral, and motivational patterns. Click the link to see the Experiential Case Requirements. It is important to look over the requirements now because in Module 2 you need to identify a specific intercultural activity in which you will engage for Module 3.

In this first phase of the Case, you will begin to lay the foundation for your cross-cultural experience through "awareness development." You will accomplish this by writing a reflection paper on the topic of intercultural competence, introduced in this module. Your paper should be 4 pages in total and focus on the following topics:

· CQ as a capacity
· The developmental continuum of cultural sensitivity
· Key components of CQ

Assignment Expectations

This paper is to demonstrate that you have read and understood the materials in this module and are ready to apply this knowledge to an intercultural experience and thus develop your own capacity for cross-cultural leadership. A reflection paper is a structured essay that records your understanding of new ideas and concepts, and your critical assessment of those ideas. For each of the topics listed in the instructions, you will write approximately 1-2 pages that consists of the following two parts:

· Summary: What is the main point of the reading(s) on this topic? What is the argument that the author is making and what evidence does he provide? What are the conclusions?

· Critical Thinking: Do you agree with the author's conclusions? Did the evidence support the author's conclusions-or an alternate explanation? What are the exceptions to the author's argument? Explain why you agree or disagree-the "why" is more important that the "what."

Although a reflection paper is not a formal academic paper, these requirements still apply:

· The writing is proofread, edited, and free of errors.

· Cite sources drawing on the readings, and provide a bibliography in APA format.

· Use headings to organize your paper and guide the reader.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92386224
  • Price:- $40

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