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Mini-Paper 2 Instructions

The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts covered in this course to conduct independent research in order to perform a cost/benefit analysis on "The Cost of Justice." Briefly research expenditures on corrections at the state and federal level and apply your findings to the modern American conception of justice.

You will provide an analysis of your research findings that considers the following questions: What is justice? Are we achieving it? And what are the costs of justice (cost/benefit analysis)? Keep in mind, costs can be recognized in multiple denominations-think beyond finances to address larger issues.

The body of your paper must be no more than 3 pages. In addition to the body, your paper must include a title page, abstract, and reference page. Your paper must adhere to current APA format throughout, and your writing must be supported with properly formatted in-text citations. You must include at least 2 sources in addition to the Bible. Sources must be scholarly, reliable and relevant to the topic, and current to within the last 7 years. The intentional and appropriate integration of Scripture must be present, as it relates to the topic.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92390481
  • Price:- $10

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