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Maya was excited about her job interview with the firm where she had always thought she wanted to work. The meetings at the office went well, and the interview team invited her to the firm's traditional meet-the-candidate dinner. Maya declined an offer of a drink before dinner, because she wanted to stay sharp and focused.

One of the interviewers leaned over and said, "Better get used to socializing over drinks and dinner. That's how a lot of our firm's business is done." During the meal, while Maya was conversing with another interviewer, she overheard one of the other interviewers say to another, "Isn't she lovely? She's so exotic looking. I wonder what her ethnic background is."

When the dessert tray came around, Maya chose her favorite. "Just this once," one of the interviewers chuckled. "You should really lose about ten pounds to be in good form to represent this firm well."

Maya left the dinner feeling very unsettled, but thought to herself, "Well, it's still a good firm overall, even if these interviewers were jerks." She was surprised to receive a letter a few days later, politely thanking her for her interest, but indicating that the firm had hired another candidate for the position Maya was seeking.

In a 2-3 page paper address the following:

  • Did Maya do anything wrong, as a matter of law or as a matter of ethics?
  • Did any of the interviewers do anything wrong as a matter of law or as a matter of ethics? Cite any applicable laws.
  • Do you think the firm would be liable if Maya were to bring a lawsuit against the firm, claiming that they engaged in illegal discrimination against her?

Give reasons in support of your answers, including references to specific conduct described in the account of what happened during the interview and dinner.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92365872
  • Price:- $20

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