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Mary Crow Dog and Richard Erdoes, "Civilize Them with a Stick,"

Evaluating the Text

1. What aspects of life at the government boarding school most clearly illustrate the government's desire to transform Native American? How did Mary Crow Dog react to the experiences to which she was subjected at the government-run school?

3. Why was the incident of the underground newspaper a crucial one for Mary Crow Dog?

Extending Viewpoints through Writing and Research

1. To what extent were you aware of this part of American History?

Jo Goodwin Parker, "What is Poverty"

Evaluating the Text

1. What trade-offs does Parker face in trying to keep her children clean and fed?

2. How does Parker answer those who make suggestions about how she might improve her situation?

Extending Viewpoints through Writing and Research:

1. How did this essay change your ideas about what it means to be poor in the United States?

2. Compare Parker's experience with Mary Crow Dog's?

Gordon Parks, "Flavio's Home"

Evaluating the Text:

1. What picture does Parks present of the work Flavio must do to look after his family?

2. Where is Parks staying in Rio de Janeiro and why does he include a description of his accommodations?

3. According to Parks, what sort of future awaits Flavio?

Exploring Different Perspectives

1. How does the scarcity of nourishing food play a role in the accounts of Parks and Parker?

Extending Viewpoint through Writing and Research

1. Have you ever met anyone who was as courageous as Flavio in very difficult circumstances?

2. Describe this person?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374083
  • Price:- $10

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