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Maria, who is fearful of mice, took a job as a lab assistant and found she was required to handle mice. Gradually, Maria's fear of mice diminished as she continued to handle mice. Now Maria is interested in having mice as pets. How was Maria's fear removed? Select one: a. extinction b. discrimination c. generalization d. spontaneous recovery We tend to use certain steps in the solution of a problem. Before we can understand the elements of a problem, we must _______ the problem. Select one: a. formulate b. generate c. analyze d. evaluate Memory for meaning is known as _______ memory. Select one: a. retrograde b. anterograde c. episodic d. semantic A spontaneous state of consciousness that occurs when one experiences their own body becoming distorted or unreal in some way is referred to as Select one: a. mantrafication. b. mindfulness. c. mesmerism. d. depersonalization.

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