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Managing Classroom Challenges

In every learning environment, instructors are faced with a multitude of challenges regardless of the age of the students. Students may be disengaged in the lesson, come unprepared, or even disrupt the instructional setting. Think of a particular situation and one instructional strategy that you could use to improve student learning and the instructional setting. Consider the different learning theories you have been exploring. Which learning theory best supports the strategy that you suggest? Be sure to support your strategy and evidence with readings from the text or another reliable source.

For this assignment you will:

• Introduce the learning challenge briefly and how it might impact the class (1 paragraph).

• Describe a specific instructional strategy that is based on a learning theory that could be used to improve the learning and motivation of the student and/or the classroom environment (1-2 paragraphs).

• Explain how the strategy is related to a specific and prominent theory of learning, development, and motivation and why you chose this strategy over others (1-2 paragraphs).

• Describe how you will assess the effectiveness of the strategy and why your assessment is appropriate to the setting. (1-2 paragraphs).

Create your assignment in Microsoft® Word® and use APA style for formatting (including a cover page and running header), citations, and references.

Please note: This is a short, focused assignment that should contain a maximum of 7 paragraphs. It should be no longer than 2½ pages (double spaced), excluding cover page and references.

This assignment should be submitted to the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox by the end of unit. The assignment is worth 130 points. Please refer to the rubric under Course Resources for specific grading criteria.

This assignment meets the following course outcome:

ED503-3: Identify instructional, assessment, and classroom management strategies for increasing student motivation to learn.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92389804
  • Price:- $15

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