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Literature review

A. Diabetes treatment technologies (DTT)

Diabetes treatment technologies (DTT) (have modified over last decades with the growth of new medical devices for insulin delivery or BLOOD Glucose BG levels in children and adolescents with type one diabetes (T1D) .


1. Blood glucose meters
- (how it is works, what parents should to know of how to use these meters, how Meters work, challenges faced by parents when using theses technology, example of some meters and companies)
- CGM ( issues, advantages, disadvantages e.g. accuracy , cost,
- Sensor

2. Insulin delivery
- insulin syringe (what, challenges, how it works, what information should parents know on using it)
- insulin pen (what, challenges, how it works, what information should parents know on using it)
- insulin pump or CII (what, challenges, how it works, what information should parents know on using it)

B. Some Diabetes information Technology ( how parents use these Technology and why)
- Parents' use of technologies for diabetes care or information like as ( websites, forum, internet, Instagram, twitter, WhatsApp (group support), commutation
- Strategy:how we can use these technology to influence parents' knowledge or information or awareness

C. How can technology and awareness TECHNIQUES assist a parents of youth type one diabetics

D. medical actors in managing T1D in children and adolescents and influencing parents' awareness and knowledge or information
1. diabetes educators, endocrinologist, dietitianroles and challenges that parents facing
2. diabetes technology's and insulin's company influencing parents awareness , what challenges
3. role of parents' diabetes education
please note here ( awareness is not education but it is one way to improve parents' awareness based on this quote)

"The education programme is one of the interventional methods that can enhance patients' awareness of their health condition and self-management (Franzet al. 1994, Jaarsma et al. 1999) "

E. Methodological consecrations for using actor network theory (ANT) in chronic disease, parents, diabetes:

1. using ANT in e-health in general
2. using ANT in E-health and T1D management for children and adolescents and parents awareness

Each section is separate (A is different of B and B is different of C .....ect) and please don't' write introduction or conclusionstart straight forwardand please write it as paragraph)

please note ( awareness is not education but it is one way to improve parents' awareness)

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  • Reference No.:- M92478525
  • Price:- $50

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