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Lily is a 17 year old female that arrives for family therapy with her natural parents, 18 year old sister and 14 year old brother. This is a very religious family of Hispanic-American origin. It appears that Lily has just announced that she is bi-sexual, and the parents are distraught. This is unacceptable in their religion and the parents are trying to accept and love their daughter unconditionally. Lily's brother and sister align with their parents and see Lily's behavior as sinful.

Briefly respond to the following in direct and specific regard to the above scenario. Do not add any information. Respond using the details you are provided with above.

1. How might a solution-focused therapist present the miracle question to this family?

2. How might a solution-focused therapist use compliments and coping questions with this family?

3. How might a social constructionist therapist use the technique of deconstruction with this family?

4. As a narrative therapist, construct a prediction letter to use with this family?

5. As a social-cultural feminist therapist, how might you depathologize Lily's sexual preference with this family?

6. As a cognitive-behavioral therapist, name three (3) cognitive distortions you might see in this family?

7. If you asked the parents to practice active listening with Lily, what might you expect and why?

8. How might you use Gottman's emotion coaching with this family?

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  • Reference No.:- M92389839
  • Price:- $10

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