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Leona has just been speaking with Todd Alsop, the Hospitality Manager of the Perth city Hotel about developing a new performance management system to fit the new Restaurant and dining agenda. When she asked Todd to provide her with his recommendations, she was surprised by his reply - "that's all well and good Leona, but you guys seem to forget I have restaurants to run and diners to serve. I have enough to do just keeping good staff and making sure we give good service, particularly as we employ a lot of students and part-time working mothers. These staff aren't really interested and besides that, the professional staff know how they are doing and really don't need feedback!". Leona believes all staff need feedback on how they are performing and disagrees. She is also concerned with Todds lack of buy-in to the process. Theory: 1. What is performance management and how is this different from performance appraisal? 2. Name the types of performance appraisal raters and give three advantages of a multisource appraisal Practical application 1. What arguments would you advance to convince Todd that a performance management system can be of benefit? 2. Assist Leona by preparing a performance management rating scale for wait-staff in Premiums Restaurant. 3. Be prepared to defend/discuss your ideas about performance criteria and measures. 4. Include a reference from outside your text to support your argument

Project Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Project Management
  • Reference No.:- M91179798
  • Price:- $30

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